Improv Zippy Pouches and First Etsy Sale!

Welcome to the New Year! I had a great holiday with my girlfriend\’s family in Wisconsin and am now back in the grind of real life. πŸ™‚ I wanted to show you one of the projects I have been working on and share some exciting news as well. πŸ™‚ This holiday I wanted to makeContinueContinue reading “Improv Zippy Pouches and First Etsy Sale!”

Lots of Finishes Friday

So I didn\’t get as much sewing done this weekend as I normally do because I wen to Mardi Gras! I have been several times but it was my roommates first time and we had a good time. Me (left), Heidi (right) We had a total of about 16 hours driving and so I wasContinueContinue reading “Lots of Finishes Friday”

Monday Makeup Bag

So I had bookmarked Keyka Lou\’s Dumpling Zip Pouch Tutorial several weeks ago and after visiting a local quilt shop this morning decided to turn some of my findings into a makeup pouch for myself.Some of my loot:Here is the Dumpling Pouch I made today. From cutting to finishing touches it took less than 30ContinueContinue reading “Monday Makeup Bag”

Finish It Up Friday

I\’ve been doing some embroidery work lately. I really enjoy how well embroidery projects travel and how quick they are to work on and put away to fill that time throughout the day that would be wasted otherwise. I started a set of owls a couple of months ago and just recently picked them backContinueContinue reading “Finish It Up Friday”