Improv Zippy Pouches and First Etsy Sale!

Welcome to the New Year! I had a great holiday with my girlfriend\’s family in Wisconsin and am now back in the grind of real life. 🙂 I wanted to show you one of the projects I have been working on and share some exciting news as well. 🙂 This holiday I wanted to makeContinueContinue reading “Improv Zippy Pouches and First Etsy Sale!”

Minimalist Stripes Improv Quilt

I am really getting into improv quilts. I feel like I am myself when I do them, that I can be free, that I can mess up and no one will judge me. No one will notice that my work is not perfect, for the imperfections are part of the design. I also love theContinueContinue reading “Minimalist Stripes Improv Quilt”

Alex\’s Quilt In Progress

So there\’s someone special in my life right now and he thinks my quilting habit is awesome. Which is nice when a man recognizes your passion as something of value rather than that you\’re a weirdo. So since he has stuck around awhile I decided to make him a quilt. The only thing is thatContinueContinue reading “Alex\’s Quilt In Progress”

Harmony. do. good. stitches. August Quilt

For August I wanted to put together a quilt made from simple blocks so that the ladies in my bee could have a break with the summer ending, everyone going back to school, etc. I have always had a special place in my heart for churn dash blocks. They are probably my favorite classic traditionalContinueContinue reading “Harmony. do. good. stitches. August Quilt”

I Want A Baby. JK.

So my friends are all starting to get married and have babies and all that jazz. It has been awhile since I have been around any babies other than the ones that are screaming in the cereal aisle. What I mean by that is that I haven\’t had a reason to like a baby/connect withContinueContinue reading “I Want A Baby. JK.”

May Bee Blocks

I finished my bee blocks very early this month and only had one to finish up by the 15th! Super proud of myself! I definitely think as my bees finish I\’m going to start phasing out of them just because I don\’t have time to work on projects that I want to do because IContinueContinue reading “May Bee Blocks”

Doll Quilt Swap 13

I finished my Doll Quilt Swap mini this past weekend. I wanted to do something fun and whimsical and my partner liked bright and cheerful colors. I also challenged myself to not cut into any folded fabric, to work completely from my scrap bags, because probably like you, mine are always overflowing!I started with aContinueContinue reading “Doll Quilt Swap 13”

Modern She Made Pillow

Long time no post! I\’m in the middle of moving so I\’m trying to make sure everything gets done early so that I\’m not running behind on swaps or bees with two weeks of downtime! This is an old swap project that I just haven\’t posted about yet. For the latest Modern She Made SwapContinueContinue reading “Modern She Made Pillow”