February Bee Block Round Up

I needed to get my February Bee Blocks done early in the month because I found out that I was be moving. Again! But is time across the country! And with three weeks notice! I will probably devote a whole post to that topic so for now I will show you the blocks I didContinueContinue reading “February Bee Block Round Up”

Improv Triangle Quilt

When I saw the quilt \”Didn\’t Get the Memo\” by Alissa Carlton, Los Angeles, CA (shown below) I knew I wanted to make one. I thought it would be a great bee block so this February the Harmony Circle of do. Good. Stitches. took on this challenge and created some wonderful improv blocks. My directionsContinueContinue reading “Improv Triangle Quilt”

Minimalist Stripes Improv Quilt

I am really getting into improv quilts. I feel like I am myself when I do them, that I can be free, that I can mess up and no one will judge me. No one will notice that my work is not perfect, for the imperfections are part of the design. I also love theContinueContinue reading “Minimalist Stripes Improv Quilt”

Celebrating Doing Good Stitches

I\’m a bee addict. I admit it. But one of my first bees was the Harmony circle of do. good stitches. If you don\’t know what do. good. stitches. is, please go here and take a look at what this group creates. I remember when I finally got accepted and I was so nervous becauseContinueContinue reading “Celebrating Doing Good Stitches”

Summer of Bee Blocks

Summer is always a time of social activities and enjoying the beautiful Minnesota weather after a long winter. Because of this, I usually have a long lull in my quilting. This summer I basically just completed my bee blocks, along with some other projects that I will highlight in different posts. Here is my recap…it\’sContinueContinue reading “Summer of Bee Blocks”

October Bee Blocks

I am two months behind in showing my bee blocks!! Here are the October Bee Blocks that I had. BeeJeebers: a fresh take on the traditional Boston Streets block Harmony. do. Good Stitches.: A pretty black and white pinwheel with purple, green and blue acccents Simply Solids: a jewel toned string block for my friendContinueContinue reading “October Bee Blocks”

Harmony. do. good. stitches. August Quilt

For August I wanted to put together a quilt made from simple blocks so that the ladies in my bee could have a break with the summer ending, everyone going back to school, etc. I have always had a special place in my heart for churn dash blocks. They are probably my favorite classic traditionalContinueContinue reading “Harmony. do. good. stitches. August Quilt”

August Bee Blocks

Woo wee. Life gets busy. I just have a dog, a cat, and a job. I don\’t even have kids, don\’t think I have time for those. 🙂 I will be working on getting caught up here and showing you what I have been working on the past several months. For starters, here are myContinueContinue reading “August Bee Blocks”