Don’t Get Stuck in a Scrap Trap

Last week I had the honor of presenting by “Don’t Get Stuck in a Scrap Trap” lecture to the Dakota County Star Quilters. I shared my tips on how to determine if scrap quilting is for you and shared ideas on how to set up a scrap system that enables you to actually start usingContinueContinue reading “Don’t Get Stuck in a Scrap Trap”

Tiny Patchwork Sew Together Bag

I have been meaning to make a renowned Sew Together Bag by Sew Demented for a couple of months now. With the holidays gone and minimal deadlines to complete, I figured I had some time to spend on myself and make this bag that I have been lusting after for the past year. When IContinueContinue reading “Tiny Patchwork Sew Together Bag”

Improv Zippy Pouches and First Etsy Sale!

Welcome to the New Year! I had a great holiday with my girlfriend\’s family in Wisconsin and am now back in the grind of real life. 🙂 I wanted to show you one of the projects I have been working on and share some exciting news as well. 🙂 This holiday I wanted to makeContinueContinue reading “Improv Zippy Pouches and First Etsy Sale!”

Scrappy Fabric Cards

I have seen lots of scrappy projects floating around this year and after realizing how many itty bitty scraps I have collected due to Amanda Jean\’s inspiration, I decided that I needed to use them in more than just the traditional quilting ways. I wanted to write my friend a card and instead of pullingContinueContinue reading “Scrappy Fabric Cards”

Scrap Management Workshop Dilemma

The Minneapolis MQG had a workshop this month with Amanda Jean Nyberg, who blogs over at crazy mom quilts, and is the co-author of Sunday Morning Quilts. I have usually been pretty good at using scraps but several projects in the book enticed me and I wanted to see how Amanda used color in herContinueContinue reading “Scrap Management Workshop Dilemma”

Alex\’s Quilt In Progress

So there\’s someone special in my life right now and he thinks my quilting habit is awesome. Which is nice when a man recognizes your passion as something of value rather than that you\’re a weirdo. So since he has stuck around awhile I decided to make him a quilt. The only thing is thatContinueContinue reading “Alex\’s Quilt In Progress”

Doll Quilt Swap 13

I finished my Doll Quilt Swap mini this past weekend. I wanted to do something fun and whimsical and my partner liked bright and cheerful colors. I also challenged myself to not cut into any folded fabric, to work completely from my scrap bags, because probably like you, mine are always overflowing!I started with aContinueContinue reading “Doll Quilt Swap 13”

Sew Sew Modern Mini

I moved in January and traveled a lot in January and I was scared that I was going to have a time crunch on my Sew Sew Modern piece, but luckily I didn\’t. The partner that was selected for me, I had already had before in a previous swap so I knew her style, colorContinueContinue reading “Sew Sew Modern Mini”

Modern She Made Pillow

Long time no post! I\’m in the middle of moving so I\’m trying to make sure everything gets done early so that I\’m not running behind on swaps or bees with two weeks of downtime! This is an old swap project that I just haven\’t posted about yet. For the latest Modern She Made SwapContinueContinue reading “Modern She Made Pillow”

Rainbow Starburst String Block Tutorial

I have had several requests for a tutorial on how to make my Rainbow Starburst String Block that I have had both my BeeJeebers Bee and my Stash Bee mates make for me. I just love the way this looks and I hope you enjoy making 1 or 2 or a whole quilts worth asContinueContinue reading “Rainbow Starburst String Block Tutorial”